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  • Writer's pictureMarcus wilson

The Mystery Woman

Updated: May 17, 2018

She seems to be always around at your most awkward moments. She’s there when you’re checking your teeth for food, when you somehow manage to trip upstairs, and when you’re that one guy that has his Taylor Swift ringtone go off in the middle of a test. Her astonishing beauty makes you cringe just that much harder during your embarrassing moments, yet at the same time her quaint, understanding smile makes it all better instantly. You always see her around, so you know her, but you don’t really know anything about her.

You know her name starts with a B, or at least some letter at the beginning of the alphabet. Her effortless style is what grabs your attention the most. Yet as much as she is cool, she’s also quirky, and unique, and fun. It seems like she’s always got herself put together even on her darkest days. The mystery around her is perplexing, is she the blue-collar work loving type? No, she’s definitely the goth punk rock chick, or maybe, well you don’t know, but you do know that she has you in a trance.

In reality this mystery woman is no woman at all, but rather a city that goes by the name of Berlin. The city’s edgy personality is the perfect contrast to its on the dot efficiency. Its beauty is both unique and subtle. Berlin has so many identities to so many different people, that it’s no longer mysterious but rather familiar. The city is the perfect enigma and being able to see it through a lens makes it that much more special. The pictures that I have captured so far while being here have told a story of triumph, strength, and confidence that can only be personified as a woman.

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