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  • Writer's pictureMarcus wilson

The City of Nature

Most cities are filled with litter and trash, but Berlin is definitely a different case. The amount of greenery in the city rivals that of some rural towns. You almost can’t go three blocks without finding another lush green park to walk through. It’s almost as if the parks are a part of the city’s core identity. Not only is it the parks though, Berlin also has streets lined with hundreds of trees.

The parks are not only great for the environment, but they also serve as the perfect hangout spot for all ages. People in the city love to come out and spend time with their family and friends. The people of Berlin are some of the most active I’ve ever seen, rather than stay indoors and play games all day they’re out bonding within nature.

The nature of the city ties into the beautiful art of the graffiti artists throughout Berlin. While on an adventure though an abandoned hospital I noticed the true artistic capability of these artists. The nature in these photos perfectly contrasts the art and makes the edgy identity of the city even more true. Berlin is full of beauty, the architecture, people and weather, but the true beauty is in the nature.

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